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Quite Unique Octagonal Clock

Quite Unique Octagonal Clock

Regular price $119.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $119.00 USD
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There are currently two versions of this wonderful wall clock--all Eastern cedar which is simply raw wood (no shellac or anything) as well as a version that has many different woods, mostly red oak. Both are excellently made if I do say so myself! Dimensions are  14.5-15 inches in diameter, respectively, and about 1" thick. The clock mechanism is battery powered. Real brass Roman numerals are present on the cedar clock, and the Arabic numerals on the multi-colored clock are metal painted white. One aspect of the cedar clock is the way the numbers scintillate in the light! 

Note the direction I went in regard to the orientation of the numerals: both the Roman numerals and the Arabic numerals are anchored to the edge of the clock--the more common method of displaying Arabic numerals is to orient them to the eye of the viewer (that is, the numerals are always "facing right-side up"). You might not even know what I'm referring to, but if you look at the "6" you'll see it is "upside down" according to the eye but consistently aligned with the outer edge of the clock (all the numerals' tops are closest to the edge of the clock). You either like that or you don't! No sweat if you don't, I could always make you one that is more conventional if you wish.

Please specify which version you want.

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